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Management Consultancy


Just as a company is only successful when it is connected with its surroundings and all the possibilities they present, employees at all levels of a company also need to be connected with the outside world.

This connection is never a one-off nor complete, but needs to be continuously reassessed and re-established. This requires vigilance and flexibility. Structures are only strong when they are agile and resilient – no, even better: before circumstances demand them to be.  

The same applies for managers. A manager who derives his or her certainty from previous successes or position achieved, finds himself or herself standing on thin ice or talking hot air. Being capable of learning, in close contact with the surroundings, the market and with promising networks are a must. Managers need to be agile when desired and courageous enough to provide a counterweight when necessary.

BMi can help your managers understand their qualities better and deploy them more effectively. Part of this is finding the optimum balance between the soft and hard side of the job and learning to connect internal and external influences with each other successfully.

“No matter how hard you try to stay focused, there will always be a time when your attention and focus are not optimal, with the risk of intervening too late when an issue arises or being too late to seize an opportunity. In today’s market we cannot afford to be complacent (but in which can you?). That is why I have been working together with BMi for a number of years and approach them when I feel that we are becoming complacent. Then they force me to take a critical look in the mirror. On a voluntary basis, yes, and I am still pleased with it!”   

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Contact us for an introductory meeting free of charge.



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“What? You have a coach? You always come across full of self-confidence.” As if it is a paradox. Which it isn’t by any means.


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Business Development

An important condition for development is being able to analyse complex matters 
